
                     LONDON FOCUS 7die in Tokyo stabbing frenzy  

                                        投稿者:kiki  投稿日:2008年 6月11日(水) 

             Suspect posted messages on Net warning of Akihabara attack

           Seven peaple were killed and 10 were in jured by a 25-year-old man  who went on 
           a stabbing  spree after knocking  down pedestrians a stabbing  spree after 
           knocking  down pedestrians with a rental truck at crossing in  Tokyo's akihabara
           Sunday afternoon ,police said.The attacker - Tomohiro Kato, a temporary  worker 
           from Susono, Shizuoka Prefecture- was  arrested  from Susono, Shizuoka Prefecture- 
           was  arrested  by  Susono, Shizuoka Prefecture- was  arrested  by  police  
           officerswho  rushed  to  the scene  after receiving  a   to  the scene 
           after receiving  a  report to  the scene  after receiving  a  report of the 
           the scene  after receiving  a  report of the indis criminate  rampage,
           according  to  the  METROPOLITAN  POLICE  Department.
           About seven hours  before  the  deadly  rampage, Kato hours  before  the  deadly  
           rampage, Kato posted a message  on  deadly  rampage, Kato posted a message 
           on a mobile  rampage, Kato posted a message  on a mobile  rampage,
           Kato posted a message  on a mobile  phone  Kato posted a message  on a mobile  phone 
           Website  that  said  'i'll kill people  in Akihabara'

           'I visited  Akihabara  to kill  whoever I could,'  MPD  investigators quoted Kato  
           as saying  after  his arrest.

           The MPD set  up  a  task  force  to  investigate  the  circumstances  force  to  
           investigate  the  circumstances  of  the  case   investigate  the  circumstances  
           of  the  case  and  the motives of the suspect. As six men and one  woman  
           have  been  pronounced dead,the MPD is treating  Sunday's stabbing  spree as  
           an is treating  Sunday's stabbing  spree as  an indiscriminate muder  case.

           という日本関係の ニュース。上記の文の後、被害者の氏名 アドレスと 
           3年前の ロンドンの七夕テロには56名の 死がありました。ロンドンの人は 
           この日を 記憶して 今、被害者関係の コメント、癒されない心の ニュースがメデアでは 
           流れていました。そして日本の、信義無き 殺人事件。正義のテロ等ありえませんが、   
           日本の 事件!は ロンドンっ子も 驚いています。KIKI